horror 1.The journey 2.the ominous atmosphere 3.The scary place 4.Sound this is a waterphone, used in horror films to create atmosphere such as in aliens 1986 5.Jump scare 6.The monster 7.The savant 8.The chase 9.The final girl 10.The Excorsism heist 1. the mastermind 2. Assembling the team 3. the plan 4.the law 5. the heist 6. the getaway 7.things fall apart 8. the end storyline usually involve on big aim eg robbing a bank or casino a very distinct order in which things happen into to mastermind the assembly of the team the plan/planning interrupted by law the heist attempted getaway things fall apart either make it or killed/arrested the end sound bombs drills high speed car chase gunshots shattering of windows high intense music alarm cinematography wide shot, closeup, over the shoulder shots editing invisible cuts, fas...