macro and micro elements of the opening of A quite place

mise en scene:

they start off in a clearly abandoned shop looking for some supplies e.g. medicine or tools then as they assume night is nearing they leave the shop and head along sanded pathways which I assume are for noise reduction. they reach a long railroad with forest either side.


they are carrying round large heavy bags presumably filled with medicine or other things they have found in the shop. another prop is the Beau's spaceship and the batteries that create the sound!

hair and make up/costume
hair and make up is actually fairly normal although slightly torn I assume they have plenty of clothes as there is no-one else around in the abandoned houses

character expressions and movement
the main expressions are smiling to each other and also sign language as they cannot speak and other expressions are really just limited to fear of the monsters
movement wise they are usually just walking in a line one behind the other on the sand pathways to avoid stones or excessive noise

it is all natural there is no artificial lighting just what comes through the window as there is no electricity as the entire town has been left for ruins

there are a few low angle shots and the rest is from Beau's height or occasionally the adults eye level
to get a better feel of the characters view points

there aren't any special cuts all there are is the basic cut between the characters apart from one invisible cut when Beau is running round the shop


as it is a very silent film due to the terrifying monsters that come if there is a laud noise. there is little sound apart from the calm music birds and then later the Beau's spaceship which he put the batteries back in making a laud noise


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